Photo Frames is a photo editing app that will allow us to use more than 650 different frames for our photographs. We'll find individual frames, collage frames, pip frames and many more.
From the main menu of the app, we will be able to choose the type of frame we want to use. If we select the 'simple' frames option, we will also be able to choose from among many different categories, with love frames, artistic frames, frames for black and white, etc. After all, there are more than 600 frames, so it is practically impossible not to find one that we like.
Once we have chosen a frame, we can continue editing our photograph. We can position it however we want within the frame, turn the image, or make it bigger or smaller. Moreover, depending on the frame, we can apply other effects.
Photo Frames is an excellent photo editing app, especially suitable for those users who want to add beautiful frames to their photographs.